Jamie Paradis
Jamie Paradis


transparency at every stage of your job search

Track My App, based on user research, addresses one of the biggest complaints from young job applicants by bringing full transparency to the process, keeping you informed and in control every step of the way. Say goodbye to the black box of job applications and know exactly where you stand.

UX Researcher, UX Designer
Summer 2024
DHI Group Internship
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Track My App was developed to tackle one of the most significant pain points faced by young job applicants: the lack of transparency in the job application process. Extensive user research revealed that many candidates felt frustrated by the "black box" nature of job applications, where they submit their resumes but hear nothing back for weeks or even months. Track My App was created to provide a clear, transparent experience, allowing users to track their application status at every stage.

Problem Statement

Young job seekers often express frustration with the lack of communication and transparency after submitting job applications. The uncertainty about where they stand in the hiring process leads to anxiety and discouragement. Users identified the need for a tool that would offer real-time updates and clear visibility into the application process.

Research & Insights

Through surveys and interviews with young job applicants, it became clear that transparency was a top priority. Candidates wanted a way to see where they were in the process, whether their application was reviewed, if they were being considered, or if they had been rejected. This insight drove the design and functionality of Track My App.

Design Inspiration

The design of Track My App was inspired by tools that provide real-time tracking in other industries, such as package delivery services. The goal was to create a similar experience for job applicants, where they could easily monitor their progress and receive notifications about any changes in their application status.

Design Process

The design process involved creating wireframes and mockups focused on clarity and ease of use. The key features of Track My App included:

  • A dashboard displaying the status of all job applications in one place.
  • Push notifications to inform users about any status updates.
  • A timeline view showing a step-by-step breakdown of the application process from submission to decision.

A prototype was initiated, allowing for early testing and iteration, though it was not fully finalized due to the time constraints of the internship.

Early Wireframe of TrackMyApp

Final Mockup of One Page of TrackMyApp
Final Mockup of Alerts for TrackMyApp


Track My App offers a user-centered platform that provides full transparency throughout the job application process. Users can easily track their applications, receive timely updates, and gain insights into where they stand at any given moment. The platform reduces anxiety by eliminating the guesswork and providing clear communication at every step.


Although the final working prototype was not completed due to the limited timeframe of the internship, a strong foundation was laid with the development of wireframes, mockups, and a partial prototype. The design concept and functionality were well-received, and there is potential for future development to fully realize the vision of Track My App. Early feedback suggested that the app’s focus on transparency would be highly valued by job seekers.


Track My App successfully addresses a critical need for transparency in the job application process. While a fully functional prototype was not completed within the 8-week internship, the project produced essential wireframes, mockups, and a partially developed prototype, providing a solid foundation for future iterations. By focusing on user pain points and transparency, Track My App offers a solution that has the potential to improve the job search experience for young candidates.

Final Internship Presentation to DHI Group's C-Suite

I speak specifically about TrackMyApp at 9:00 in the video, but I talk about the research and findings behind it for the whole video.